NUANS Canada is a branch of IncorpMaster Canada Inc, a registered member of Industry Canada and provincial corporate registry. IncorpMaster is a one stop platform for all incorporation need and filing for small business owners and entrepreneurs in Canada. The company targeted OneStop shop idea where all incorporation, accounting and legal services are into a single place for Canadian small business owners and entrepreneurs. The idea became a reality when IncorpMaster™ became agent and users of all relevant government units including Industry Canada, Provincial Government, Service Ontario, Canada Revenue Agency and Workers Compensation Board.

Our Service Features:
1. Personalized Attention:

IncorpMaster incorporation specialists and customer service officers treat your business with the utmost care. We take every order with sincere attention. Our contact center is open 9:00 A.M to 7:00 PM EST. Full client support is available by phone or the Internet.

2. Customization Process:

Unlike many other incorporation service providers, we display all the price list for each service. On our website, a customer is able to customize his/her service needed and can see the instant price quote for it. By allowing such, we do not want to impose sale of a service where customer may not need it. The customization process is built to optimize budget and time.

3. Customer Support:

Our legendary customer service to our customers does not stop after their order. We possess a very reliable network of experienced business partners that includes corporate seal developers, accounting firms, financing services, Website hosting and other services typically needed by small business owners. We would say, read the customer testimonials on our Web site and you’ll feel what customers think about IncorpMaster brand. Since 2007, we have an established reputation for providing corporate services in a professional and trusted manner.

Our Locations:

IncorpMaster offers services worldwide in four countries, namely, United States, Canada, Malaysia and Dubai. IncorpMaster Canada has four offices in Canada.

Toronto: 1 Concorde Gate, Suite 702, North York, ON M3C 3N6 (Head Office)
Edmonton: 3275 Parsons Rd, 2nd Foor, Edmonton, AB T6N 1B4
Vancouver: 10013 River Dr, Suite 2030, Vancouver, BC, V6X 1Z2
Montreal: 8815 Ave. du Parc, Suite 402, Montreal, QC H2N 1Y7

Online Services: 

To avoid expensive lawyers fees and consultation hours, IncorpMaster has made incorporation process very easy and simple online. The company is able to offer services in a relatively lower fees because it cuts its cost of physical walk in clients and one to one consultations. However, IncorpMaster offers one to one consultation services based on need and case to case basis.